Monday, March 4, 2013

prompt 34 part 2

Minnow, my day care sitter from when I was little. I remember you watching us watch movies while you leaned against the half wall that divided the kitchen from the living room, bare foot and chewing on a toothpick, standing on one leg, while you rested your other foot on your knee. Driving us to Nicky’s to buy us ice-cream in your old station wagon with the very back row facing the wrong way, your small dog Sasha always riding shotgun; or to the movie rental place, that is now a flower shop, to get us more movies. I remember running up and down the hill in your back yard playing tag and the walks through the forest and trails at Bass Park, feeding an entire loaf of bread to the seagulls.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! All those little items I highlighted on the screen yesterday do so much to make this piece the good piece it is, not a word wasted.
