Wednesday, February 13, 2013

prompt 25

Doctor Who was described to me as a British sci-fi show about an alien man who traveled through space and time going on adventures. Every synopsis I could find of it online all seemed to be the same, a cheesy sci-fi show with bad effects and ridiculous stories, but I decided to check it out any way. I expected to watch a few episodes and be mildly entertained and then move on to something else. Well I got the cheesy sci-fi stories and bad effects but there was so much more.

Instead of stereotypical aliens and plot lines there were completely imaginative designs for each alien and the stories, although some average, were incredibly complex and forced you to follow each episode to find each clue that would form up the arc for the season. Little things like words spray-painted on the wall in the background of one episode seemed like nothing important, but then turned out to tie the whole season together. Characters that seemed to be one time cameos or minor to the plot turned out to be some of the most important ones in the show. Nothing was as I expected it to be. Instead of generic sci-fi I got an imaginative series that I love and cannot wait to see more of.

1 comment:

  1. I can see how those little things are like potato chips--you have to eat just one more, see another episode to resolve the teaser.
