Sunday, February 3, 2013

prompt 12

Saturday, the day before the big game. I watch customers crowding the store, heading for the TVs. Vheicles fill the parking lot, giant pickup trucks, vans full of screaming kids, and multi-colored cars. Customers bundled up in bright winter jackets, hats and scarves rush toward the doors. The home theater department is busy, people are everywhere demanding TV from employees, and the employees are trying to tell the customers to please wait until its their turn to be helped. Dozens of TVs go out the door, ranging from 19 inch screens to 60 inch screens. People head back to their cars and try to cram their new televisions into their too small cars, eager to get them home and set them up to watch the Superbowl, only to take them back down the day after the game and return them so they can get their money back.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of people doing that with fancy dresses, hiding the price tag during the prom or ball, returning it next day--never knew people did it with TVs though!

    You give the scene in all its grisly glory, very convincing.
