Wednesday, April 24, 2013

unicorns (prompt substitution)

At Best Buy we used to have something called ‘Blue Crew Bucks’ if our store hit budget for an entire year, we got a bonus. Now this meant that we not only had to make our insanely high budget in the holiday season, which wasn’t too difficult, but we also had to make budget in the summer months, when everyone was outside enjoying the weather and there were only 3 customers in the entire store. Because this was an impossible task, the employees nationwide began to refer the Blue Crew Bucks as the ‘Best Buy Unicorn,’ a fictional creature that was rumored to exist, but no one ever saw.

1 comment:

  1. And you managed to find a Blue Crew unicorn to illustrate this! Always interesting to read about the inner workings of places, to see the story behind the story--in this case, the way management screwed you over.
