My old red wagon is sitting in the garage, full of tools and collecting dust. I remember my sister pulling me up and down the street in it, hitting a bump and falling out, cracking my head on the pavement. Years later my mom tells me a story of another red wagon, one my uncle had when he was a kid. A few days after my mom’s family moved to yet another new town my uncle, who was only 4 or 5 came home with his little red wagon full of vegetables. My grandmother asked him where he got them all and he replied that he got them from a garden from someone’s house. He could not remember where the house was so he could not return the vegetables. My grandmother scolded him and said that he could never do something like that again, he replied “your right, I can’t, because I took them ALL.” Staring at my little red wagon I can’t help but think my mother must be glad I never pulled a similar stunt.
Always impressive when a single image can evoke not just one but two good memories as starting points for writing.