Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the first book of the series. When I was a kid I remember swimming in my pool while my mother decided to read me a book one of her coworkers had suggested to her. I swam around the pool listening to how Harry was left on his aunt and uncles door step and decided I liked it. Camping in the woods my dad read ‘The Chamber of Secrets’ to us as we sat around the camp fire. The same book was read to us in a similar fashion. Than the fourth book came out. Waiting in a long line at Borders at midnight, anticipating getting the new book. The fifth book, borders had a party all night up until midnight until the books release. The same for the next 2 books. Fortune tellers, arts and crafts, wizard duels, crazy crowds fill of people dressed up in wizard robes and carrying broomsticks. Lightning scars painted on their heads and round glasses perched on their noses, a whole store full to bursting of people who were anxiously waiting to find out what happened to the boy who lived, all fans of the series starting the journey with the first book that now sits tattered on my bookshelf.
Nice--how as the books came out and as you grew older, everything got more elaborate: from a swimming pool to a giant costume party! Very much week 13.